Motherhood Pregnancy

9 Tips for Combatting Morning Sickness

I’m sorry, dear friend, that you have stumbled across this post, because it likely means that you have searched “morning sickness” on Pinterest, which means you are suffering right now! Or, hopefully, you just found out you are pregnant, and you’re trying to be prepared! Yay! Either way, you are probably reading this because you …

Baby Motherhood Postpartum

How I (finally) Lost the Baby Weight – The FWTFL Program

A quick search on Pinterest of “How to lose baby weight” reveals article after article promising to teach you how to lose the baby weight just six weeks postpartum, to lose weight by drinking lots of protein shakes, or empty promises that the weight will fall right off if you breastfeed. Let it be known …

mother and baby
Baby Breastfeeding Motherhood

My Breastfeeding Story: A raw and honest account of the first few months.

The birth of a baby is one of the defining moments in any woman’s life. One tiny little human has the ability to completely change your view of the world, the way you relate to those around you, and expose so many strengths and weaknesses you never knew were there. When my little precious pie …

Breastfeeding Motherhood

8 Myths You Have Been Told About Breastfeeding

“First drink in 9 months! Dad is watching the baby and I’m pumping and dumping tonight!” Does this sound familiar? Surely everyone has scrolled through Facebook and seen a picture of one beer with this common caption of the mother expressing her excitement over drinking, followed by pumping and dumping. Guess what? This mom definitely …