This list outlines all of the postpartum essentials you’ll need when you get home from the hospital. When you are finally discharged from the hospital, reality sets in. You have a beautiful new baby, but you also have a body that is completely different from when you arrived at the hospital. Gone are the nurses …
My Baby Registry for Two Under Two
I’ve seen thousands of posts flooding Pinterest informing expecting mothers about what they need to put on their baby registry to survive their baby’s first year. Those posts are great, but this time around, I am making a baby registry for two under two. When this next baby rolls around, my two children will be …
What to Expect When Getting Your Baby’s Tongue-Tie Fixed
If you and your newborn have had any problems nursing, such as pain, a poor latch, or poor weight gain, there’s a good chance that your baby may have a tongue-tie. Tongue-tie is fairly common in infants. My lactation consultant said that in the mothers she visits who are having nursing problems, a very large …
How I (finally) Lost the Baby Weight – The FWTFL Program
A quick search on Pinterest of “How to lose baby weight” reveals article after article promising to teach you how to lose the baby weight just six weeks postpartum, to lose weight by drinking lots of protein shakes, or empty promises that the weight will fall right off if you breastfeed. Let it be known …
My Breastfeeding Story: A raw and honest account of the first few months.
The birth of a baby is one of the defining moments in any woman’s life. One tiny little human has the ability to completely change your view of the world, the way you relate to those around you, and expose so many strengths and weaknesses you never knew were there. When my little precious pie …
How to Take Amazing Monthly Pictures of Your Baby
One of the biggest trends in baby-world right now is taking pictures month-by-month of your baby to watch how they grow over the course of their first year. I don’t see this trend going anywhere any time soon; Babies grow and develop so dramatically in that first year that the monthly pictures are a great …
6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Breastfeeding
It’s 7:30 PM, I’ve just had my baby, and the nurse asks me, “Would you like to try and breastfeed?” “Of course!”, I reply. I have read books, blogs, and informational articles on breastfeeding. I have talked to the countless women in my life who have breastfed their babies. My head is chock-full of information; …