postpartum essentials

Postpartum Essentials I didn’t know I needed

This list outlines all of the postpartum essentials you’ll need when you get home from the hospital. When you are finally discharged from the hospital, reality sets in. You have a beautiful new baby, but you also have a body that is completely different from when you arrived at the hospital. Gone are the nurses …

plugged milk duct

How to Treat a Plugged Milk Duct

These tips will help you address your plugged milk duct naturally, before it leads to the development of mastitis. Unfortunately, I, like many breastfeeding mothers, have suffered from plugged milk ducts from time to time. This is especially common for me during the postpartum period, or the first six weeks after birth. My daughter and …

treat plugged milk ducts

How to Prevent Plugged Milk Ducts and Mastitis


If you suffer often from plugged milk ducts or mastitis, there are steps you can take to prevent it from reoccurring. Follow this simple advice to avoid future plugged ducts or mastitis! Mastitis sucks. Plugged milk ducts suck. I’m guessing you, the reader, are well aware of this, or you would not be reading this …

baby registry for two under two

My Baby Registry for Two Under Two


I’ve seen thousands of posts flooding Pinterest informing expecting mothers about what they need to put on their baby registry to survive their baby’s first year. Those posts are great, but this time around, I am making a baby registry for two under two. When this next baby rolls around, my two children will be …


8 Weird (But Common!) Second-Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms


Ah, pregnancy – what an exciting and also bizarre time in your life! With pregnancy symptoms that have you turning to google constantly to confirm that everything is ok, it can be overwhelming at times. What I’ve discovered in my googling adventures is that pretty much anything you search for has been experienced by another …

Pregnancy belly

14 Strange First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms


You’re pregnant. How exciting! If life is anything like the movies, you know what pregnancy symptoms to expect: You might have some morning sickness at first, and you’ll probably need to pee a lot during your third trimester. That just about covers it, right? Wrong. Life is nothing like the movies, as I hope you …

third trimester pregnancy symptom

8 Odd Pregnancy Symptoms to Expect in Your Third Trimester


Ah friends, we have been on quite a journey, have we not? It seems there is not a pregnancy symptom we have not covered. In the previous posts of this series, we have talked about the fun, gross, weird, unpleasant, yet normal pregnancy symptoms of the first two trimesters of pregnancy. If this is your …

tongue tie

What to Expect When Getting Your Baby’s Tongue-Tie Fixed


If you and your newborn have had any problems nursing, such as pain, a poor latch, or poor weight gain, there’s a good chance that your baby may have a tongue-tie. Tongue-tie is fairly common in infants. My lactation consultant said that in the mothers she visits who are having nursing problems, a very large …


9 Tips for Combatting Morning Sickness


I’m sorry, dear friend, that you have stumbled across this post, because it likely means that you have searched “morning sickness” on Pinterest, which means you are suffering right now! Or, hopefully, you just found out you are pregnant, and you’re trying to be prepared! Yay! Either way, you are probably reading this because you …


How I (finally) Lost the Baby Weight – The FWTFL Program


A quick search on Pinterest of “How to lose baby weight” reveals article after article promising to teach you how to lose the baby weight just six weeks postpartum, to lose weight by drinking lots of protein shakes, or empty promises that the weight will fall right off if you breastfeed. Let it be known …