I’ve seen thousands of posts flooding Pinterest informing expecting mothers about what they need to put on their baby registry to survive their baby’s first year. Those posts are great, but this time around, I am making a baby registry for two under two. When this next baby rolls around, my two children will be …
DIY Fireplace Renovation Tutorial
Think you need to spend thousands to modernize your fireplace? Think again! This tutorial on our DIY fireplace renovation will explain how we updated our living room for a few hundred dollars and a few days. When we bought our house last summer, the inspection revealed that the wood-burning fireplace was unsafe. Luckily, because it …
Grandma’s Apple Pie Recipe
My Grandma’s apple pie recipe is highly coveted. There are hundreds of old southern church ladies who would have given their left foot to get their hands on this recipe. Consider yourselves very lucky that I am sharing her secret recipe with you, free of charge! In all seriousness, this recipe truly is a gem …
Our DIY Half-Bath Renovation
This post is an honest, detailed explanation of our DIY half-bath renovation. Read on for information on cost, materials, products, and advice we found useful! When we moved into our home this June, I had SO MUCH enthusiasm as a new homeowner. Hundreds of project ideas were flying through my mind (and tbh, that hasn’t …
12 Ideas for the Perfect Guest Bedroom
If you are fortunate enough to have the space for a guest bedroom, then you’ll likely want people to stay the night at your house! In my experience, people with guest bedrooms are constantly saying things like “You should come stay with me when you’re in town! We have a guest room!” or, “Mom, why …
3 Simple Ideas for Sustainable Gift Wrap
Today’s blog post is a special treat – a guest post on sustainable gift wrap! Like many others I’m sure, I’ve become more aware of the waste issue we have on our hands. In addition to regular garbage, only about 20% of recyclables are actually recycled, and the result is overflowing landfills, plastic in our …
8 Weird (But Common!) Second-Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms
Ah, pregnancy – what an exciting and also bizarre time in your life! With pregnancy symptoms that have you turning to google constantly to confirm that everything is ok, it can be overwhelming at times. What I’ve discovered in my googling adventures is that pretty much anything you search for has been experienced by another …
14 Strange First Trimester Pregnancy Symptoms
You’re pregnant. How exciting! If life is anything like the movies, you know what pregnancy symptoms to expect: You might have some morning sickness at first, and you’ll probably need to pee a lot during your third trimester. That just about covers it, right? Wrong. Life is nothing like the movies, as I hope you …
8 Odd Pregnancy Symptoms to Expect in Your Third Trimester
Ah friends, we have been on quite a journey, have we not? It seems there is not a pregnancy symptom we have not covered. In the previous posts of this series, we have talked about the fun, gross, weird, unpleasant, yet normal pregnancy symptoms of the first two trimesters of pregnancy. If this is your …
DIY Classy Christmas Wreath
This Christmas Wreath makes me so happy to share with you all. I think it’s beautiful, classy, and best of all, will cost you way less than buying a wreath from a home goods store. This Christmas wreath is also completely customizable. You can stick with traditional flowers, or choose funky Christmas patterns. Let the …